case of witness examination, there is no statutory requirement for the court to grant a prior approval. Such supportive conditions allow shareholders to exercise the right to enter a legal action more
view that limited company or public limited company so established has qualifications as specified in this Ministerial Regulation, the SEC shall recommend the Minister to grant his approval on the
qualifications as specified in this Ministerial Regulation, the SEC shall recommend the Minister to grant his approval on the establishment of such limited company or public limited company within ninety days from
case of witness examination, there is no statutory requirement for the court to grant a prior approval. Such supportive conditions allow shareholders to exercise the right to enter a legal action more
to grant proxy, the right to attend shareholders’ meetings, the right to make decisions on material transactions that may affect the company, e.g., capital increases and entire or partial merger and
million, increase in salary and benefits of the employees of Baht 2.43 million, increase in marketing and sales promotion expenses of Baht 1.07 million, increase in donation expenses of Baht 0.70 million
ปรุง เหตุผล 1. กลุ่ม crowdfunding portal คือ crowdfunding portal ไทย และต่ำงประเทศ ท่ีด ำเนินกำร ในรูปแบบ donation reward lending หรือ investment-based ไม่มีกำรปรับปรุง 2. กลุ่มผู้มีประสบการณ์ในการ บ่ม
จะอยูใ่นรูปแบบการรับการบริจาค (donation) หรือตอบแทนในรูปแบบส่ิงของ หรือผลประโยชน์ในลกัษณะท่ีมิใช่ผลประโยชน์ทางการเงิน (reward) หรือในรูปแบบของดอกเบ้ียจากเงินท่ีใหกู้ย้มื (lending) และครอบคลุมถึง
from THB 10.0mn donation to “Better Lives Foundation” as well as the administrative expense and expenses related to feasibility study research on new projects domestically and internally, because the
Health to provide guidance of stress management during the movement control period on digital media. Lastly in support of “Klong Toey Dee Jung” project, the Company made the donation of face shields to