aspects of investor behavioral biases also cannot explain the value premiums Motivation Explaining Value Data Results Conclusions Thank You! Motivation M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 Explaining Value EV1 EV2 Data D1
different from those mandatory targets prescribed by the FAP (12 hours/year, and at least 6 hours relate to accounting subject)? If yes, explain how and why. 8 How does the firm obtain, compile and monitor
of ‘’Boonterm kiosk” as the period ended (Kiosks) 79,608 85,656 92,082 100,022 110,563 In 2Q17, FSMART is able to maintain as the leader of online top-up machine and continues to expand Boonterm kiosk
of ‘’Boonterm kiosk” as the period ended (Kiosks) 85,656 92,082 100,022 110,563 119,166 In 3Q17, FSMART is able to maintain as the leader of online top-up machine and continues to expand Boonterm kiosk
of ‘’Boonterm kiosk” as the period ended (Kiosks) 85,656 92,082 100,022 110,563 119,166 In 3Q17, FSMART is able to maintain as the leader of online top-up machine and continues to expand Boonterm kiosk
third quarter of 2019) Thai economy was expected to expand at a slower pace than previous expected at 2.8 and 3.3 percent in 2019 and 2020, respectively, due to both external and domestic demand
. (1) Expand opportunity to enter into skincare, cosmeceuticals or cosmetics and medical business, which has positive growth trend and being one of government business enterprise support as Policy
and the Company’s shareholders as follows. (1) Expand opportunity to enter into skincare, cosmeceuticals or cosmetics and medical business, which has positive growth trend and being one of government
shareholders as follows. (1) Expand opportunity to enter into skincare, cosmeceuticals or cosmetics and medical business, which has positive growth trend and being one of government Ref. WINNER 0009/20108 Page 9
transaction amount via electronic payment (“E-Payment) channel which the Company has collaborated with WeChat Pay in 2017. Commencing in early of 2018, the Company expand E-Payment channel by receiving