given in the prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts without the intention to promote sales of investment units, services or the operation of fund management, or service of
enables the public to understand the meanings, through any media or objects. This does not include the information which is given in the prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts
media or objects. This does not include the information which is given in the prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts without the intention to promote sales of investment units
prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts without the intention to promote sales of investment units, services or the operation of fund management, or service of brokerage, dealing or
, address, telephone number, etc. and any personal data that indirectly identifies a person, e.g., educational background, training, etc. as long as it is necessary for the purposes of collection of such
information which is given in the prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts without the intention to promote sales of investment units, services or the operation of fund management, or
media or objects. This does not include the information which is given in the prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts without the intention to promote sales of investment units
ตอนการแปลงสินทรัพยเปนหลักทรัพย โครงสรางทางกฎหมายและ โครงสรางกระแสเงินสดของโครงการ 4. รายละเอียดของสินทรัพยที่จะนํามาแปลงเปนหลักทรัพย 5. การเพิ่มคุณภาพเครดิต (Credit Enhancement) 6. การจัดสรร
% YoY. The Company continues to emphasize on effective revenue generation through new shopping malls, enhancement of existing malls, new mixed-use development projects, such as residential development
photocopies of identity cards / photocopies of passports of the persons applied for approval; O photocopies of house register appearing the names of persons applied for approval; O photocopies of educational