size is various across sets of analyses in order to increase the generalizability of results. In the first set of analyses, I articulate the relation between market rewards associated with a string of
such article or research paper in the underwritten securities, provided that such statement shall be distinct, easy-to-read, and not smaller in size than the regular font used in such article or research
securities, provided that such statement shall be distinct, easy-to-read, and not smaller in size than the regular font used in such article or research paper, and shall be on the same page of the summary of
distinct, easy-to-read, and not smaller in size than the regular font used in such article or research paper, and shall be on the same page of the summary of such article or research paper or at a nearby
size than the regular font used in such article or research paper, and shall be on the same page of the summary of such article or research paper or at a nearby position which can be seen clearly. Clause
or research paper in underwritten securities, provided that such statement shall be distinct, easy-to- read, and not smaller in size than the regular font used in such article or research paper, and
the issuer who is responsible for the information contained in the prospectus. B. Advisers and other parties 1. Provide the names and addresses of – (a) the issuer's principal bankers to the extent the
Shareholders No.1/2019 to the extent that it is appropriate and necessary within the scope of laws. The Company would like to inform that the transaction of acquiring ordinary shares of KPN Academy Company
of the transaction size, the disclosure of this disposal transaction to the SET, the circulation of the information memorandum on this transaction to the shareholders under the notifications regarding
extent of the interest of the connected persons in the transaction : -Non- 9. This transaction allows to standard of receiving and selling of assets. In this schedule the company sold out the investment