Make World-Class Corporations? while Dr. Brian W. Tempest, Chairman and Senior Partner of Hale and Tempest, UK who has extensive experience in investment in India will tell us the success story of Indian
) from the Federation of Accounting Professions under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King pursuant to the Accounting Professions Act B.E. 2547 (2004), and is a partner or employee of the audit
declined as the spread of COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in the closure of partner countries resulting in the Company cannot be exported to partner countries in March. • Comparing between Q1/2020 and Q1/2019
foreign exchange 299 (39) 230 N/A N/A 663 363 N/A (loss) from impairment of assets (1,358) (412) (14) N/A N/A (1,441) (425) N/A Share of profit of associate and JV 56 23 118 111% 413% 128 233 82% Profit
period Please be informed accordingly, Yours sincerely, (Associate Prof. Dr.Chiraphol Chiyachantana) Authorized person for disclosure of information
debt from MDX Asset to our subsidiary and associate company for THB70.85 million and also repayment under the rehabilitation plan of Gateway Estate Co., Ltd. to MDX for THB10.07 million. ▪ An increasing
) Interest on margin loans 43.68 6.63 43.68 6.63 Gain and return on financial instruments 120.09 26.18 120.09 26.18 Shares of loss from investments in an associate and a joint venture (14.95) 9.70 0.00 0.00
Baht 26.41 million an increase of Baht 10.11 million or 62% from the same period of last year due to this period Please be informed accordingly, Yours sincerely, (Associate Prof. Dr.Chiraphol
change in status of associate to subsidiary and other income from the collection from receivables 5.43 million baht. Separate financial statements Revenues 1. Revenues from Sales 5.07 Million Baht increase
company has changed its strategy and the new shareholders in August 15, 2017, caused the associate company SSK became a subsidiary and the Company's shareholding is 75.35% and the change in shareholding