Committee. 3 To perform such duties completely, the Audit Committee is empowered to call in or ask the Management, heads of relevant units and employees, to voice their opinions, attend a meeting or provide
Committee. 3 To perform such duties completely, the Audit Committee is empowered to call in or ask the Management, heads of relevant units and employees, to voice their opinions, attend a meeting or provide
and continuous raining as well as the increase of Independent Power Supply (IPS) and Small Power Producer (SPP) outside the EGAT system. In the meantime, electricity consumption of the country in EGAT
time outside and its strength as being a media which is able to build on brand awareness amongst a wide audience which made it more attractive to media customers. MACO outperformed the overall industry
or 48.9% in me for Q2/2 9.5 percent baht or an in er income outside. vables equa of 2017, the was 532.0 the same om accoun he revenue al revenues. or an decre statement o with the Co bt in the 6 2017
time outside as well as its strength as being a media that reaches consumers when they are on the go and creating brand awareness to an extensive reach. On the contrary, Thailand's advertising industry
applicable to the undertakings falling outside the previous restriction. Clause 11. This Notification shall come into force as from the day following the date of its publication in the Government Gazette
exhibits that the business operator is ready and capable to comply with the rules applicable to the undertakings falling outside the previous restriction. Clause 11. This Notification shall come into force
lending business, which exhibits that the business operator is ready and capable to comply with the rules applicable to the undertakings falling outside the previous restriction. Clause 11. This
Capital I’s loan comes from its working capital and/ or new funding from outside source which is currently in process. The company expects such loan can be repaid within stipulated timeline. Related persons