views and concerns helps boards and management make better informed decisions. They are still free to make an apparently contrary decision when they believe that the outcome would best serve the interests
. Meanwhile, net interest income rose Baht 637 million or 2.62 percent. Net interest margin (NIM) was equal to 3.43 percent, higher than the previous quarter, which was better than the target of 3.2-3.4 percent
business is on the recovery path and it is expected to perform better in the quarters ahead. Figure 1: Core EBITDA Evolution Figure 2: Regional Performance 278 356 197 218 373 535 859 1,112 LTM1Q17 LTM1Q18
total number of REIT units sold, the limit applicable to other unitholders. The relaxation aims at enabling trustee participation in firm commitment deals of underwriting REIT units. The above amendments
Representative UNDP Thailand, along with the UNDP team to explore potential collaboration between UNDP and the SEC, demonstrating a shared commitment to advancing sustainability in the Thai capital market in
collaboration in addressing the growing threat of financial and investment scams. As part of the SEC’s commitment to solving this issue, the Investment Scam Hotline has been launched to facilitate more
our duties in various areas will reflect our commitment to independence, transparency and fairness for all. This is how we build trust and confidence. Personally, I would be pleased and thankful for
year, which was still better than the set target. In this quarter, our impairment loss on loans and debt securities decreased Baht 1,314 million, or 14.39 percent, in line with the prevailing
purchasing to deal with new suppliers for better deal in term of better price, volume and credit term. Page 2 of 3 Selling and Admin Expenses % Selling and admin expenses to revenue of Q3 2017 and Q3 2016 are
safest and most responsible ways of moving people. Sustainability Roadmap Do no harm Do it better Differentiation What can young directors learn from the board? Board Effectiveness Board Diversity • Skills