. Disclose the conditions governing the manner in which such a meeting would be convened, such as quorum requirements, the conditions for being allowed to attend the meeting and the minimum number of votes
approve of ratification of acquisition of assets of land and building in IB Place Hatyai 4. Approved to set the record date to determine the shareholders’ entitlement to participate in the EGM No.1/2017 to
, update agenda for the 2022 AGM , chang the record date for determining the shareholders to attend the 2022 AGM ,and the dividend omissions (additional) 07/03/2022 08:25 Resolutions of the BOD's Meeting 2
Bangkok, 9 February 2017 ? The SEC advises the shareholders of Inter Far East Energy Corporation (IFEC) to attend the 2nd extraordinary shareholders? meeting No. 2/2560 to exercise their voting right
Financial Technology (FinTech) to facilitate greater access to finance and business opportunity for Thai FinTech industry; and sustainable finance. The SEC executives attend the signing ceremony led by Mrs
circumstances under which the signatory would join forces with other institutional investors to ensure that boards acknowledge and respond to their concerns on critical issues and at critical times; and, with
Person Approved to Participate in Regulatory Sandbox to Experiment and Develop Innovation in Support of Service Provision Related to Capital Market Which Are Not Deemed an Undertaking of Securities
participate in the decision making on important matters. UPDATE: At present, the Emergency Decree on Electronic Meetings https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/ABOUTUS/TOWARDINTERNATIONAL-DOINGBUSINESS.aspx English
of the community, the environment, and have good governance of invested businesses.”The provident funds that will participate in the contest must have been registered with SEC for at least 3 years
members, and the development of provident funds, as well as the application of I Code is another qualifying factor.”However, the provident funds that are interested to participate in the contest must