Bangkok, March 5, 2012 ? The SEC board is proposing to amend the Provident Fund Act of 1987 in the following areas:(1) Employee will be able to pay savings into the fund at the rate higher than
control and compliance with good business practices; (3) being able to maintain capital funds and reserve fund in compliance with the law establishing or controlling business undertaking of the applicant
this regard, such resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting was already notified to the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Currently, the Company is not yet able to enter into negotiations for the purchase
related person, with a large amount of overdue payments and continuous losses. In case the debtor will not be able to repay the debt, profit shown on the applicant?s result of operation may turn to loss. It
, successful of launching new products into market, it resulted in the Company was able to maintain the leadership position in the domestic RTD Tea market continuously. Moreover, the Company started to earn
Q2/ 2022. However, the reason for the increase in revenue came from the company having increased sales and being able to operate at full capacity and fully exportable Cost of Sales for Q2 / 2023 and Q2
Q2/ 2022. However, the reason for the increase in revenue because the company having increased sales and being able to operate at full capacity and fully exportable Cost of Sales for Q2 / 2023 and Q2
reporting such incidents to the SEC; (4) To adjust the applicable scope for investment advisory business operators to ensure that they will be able to implement sufficient controls for managing
value of the investment in the shares of the buyer at the same share price. The auditor has not been able to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to verify the gain on sale of the investment in
sector. In addition, as SEC has measures for monitoring and inspection of reports, data, including business standards and ethics of the securities companies, it is able to ease the rules to better