around the world, which the Company has also been affected, as can be seen from revenue generated this year. Customers affected by such situation have reduced their use of transportation service, which
transportation services. However, the company gained new customers to compensate the lack of revenue, causing revenue and gross profit in this period to be slightly higher than the same period last year. The
Exemption on Amendment of Mutual Fund Management Scheme and Management Fees Collection
สามญัของ Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited ในสัดส่วน ร้อยละ 80 ของจ านวนหุ้นสามญัทั้งหมด บริษทัจึงตอ้งมีการรับรู้รายได ้เขา้มาในงบการเงิน ท าให้รายไดจ้าก การบริการเพิ่มข้ึน ซ่ึงสามารถจ าแนก
increase in revenue from transportation of Baht 5.26 million and increase in revenue from services of Baht 29.62 million. Other revenue was Baht 13.68 million, which increased from the same period of
increase in customers in the automotive parts. These customers will use a full range of services including customs clearance services. And the land transport service. Compared to the proportion of service
, 2017 is 160.60 million baht, With a decreased of 11.40 million Baht equal to 7.10%. Due to our major customers had change mode from Sea freight to Air freight and inland transport to reach the
revenue from services of Baht 0.83 million but the revenue from transportation increased by Baht 0.07 million. Other revenue was Baht 2.30 million, which increased from the same period of previous year by
in revenue from services of Baht 4.77 million and the revenue from transportation increased by Baht 1.61 million. Other revenue was Baht 4 million, which decreased from the same period of previous year
the same period of previous year by Baht 12.82 million or 14.15 percent, due to the increase in the revenue from transportation fee increased by Baht 7.53 million and increase in the revenue from