their concern on ability to manage liquidity and debt-servicing ability of households and businesses. Although the deterioration in credit quality affected profitability, Thai commercial banking system
Nation Multimedia Group Public Co., Ltd. 1858/121-122, 1858/125-128 28th, 30th, 31st Floor, Debaratna Road, Bangna-Tai Sub-District, Bangna District, Bangkok 10260 Tel: 0-2-338-3333 Call Center: 0-2338-3000 Fax: 0-2338-3334 25 May 2020 Subject : Notification on Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 6/2020, Change of Directors and Directors’ Power, Entering into Disposal of Assets Transaction, and Acquisition of Assets Transaction To : Director and Manager The Stoc...
public investment and underpin private sector sentiment. Moreover, some production may be relocated to Thailand in response to US-China tariffs, particularly in sectors such as electronic and automotive
of infrastructure investment such as the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), mass transit trains and high-speed railways will bolster business sentiment. Moreover, there are indications that suggest
อบใหมในยุโรป และมีการตรวจพบสายพันธุใหมท่ีแอฟริกา หุนกลุมอิเล็กทรอนิกสปรับตัว Outperform มากท่ีสุด หลังได Sentiment เชิงบวกจากเงินบาทท่ีออนคา ในขณะท่ีหุนกลุมปโตรเคมีปรับตัว Underperform มาก
ทั้งการเงินการการคลังที่ชวยหนุน สภาพคลอง และ sentiment ของตลาดได นําโดยตลาดหุนสหรัฐฯ ท่ีปรับตัวข้ึนตอบรับตัวเลขเศรษฐกิจในเดือนกุมภาพันธท่ีออกมาดี ทั้งตัวเลขการจางงานนอกภาคการเกษตร ตัวเลขดัชนีผูจัด
quarter still reflects crude price sentiment from Q4/2018, leaving the refinery business with minor inventory loss (included a reversal of lower of cost or market (LCM) of THB 689 million), whereas, during
increased to an all-time high from the past 3 years, as well as market sentiment fearing for the prospect of trade war after the US increased import tax of various raw materials, which would inadvertently
sluggish effecting from Trade War which impacted the global economic sentiment. However, the Thai economy is attributed mainly by number of factors, namely 1.) Growth in Tourism sector particularly in 2H19 2
, technologies & market sentiment may increase reputation risks related to greenwashing Economy and financial system feedback effects F in a n c ia ls ys te m co n ta g io n 19 Mandatory Disclosure As of March