ทีเ่กีย่วขอ้ง SEC Open data services E-enforcement • Corporate surveillance system - ความสมัพนัธบ์คุคล / นติบิคุคล - Fraud • AI-enforcement - พฤตกิรรมสรา้งราคา - พฤตกิรรมผดิปกติ • Off-site monitoring: - ผปก
Participants. TERMS For the purposes of the IOSCO CRA Code:5 under common control with another entity. performs analytical functions that are necessary for the issuing or monitoring of a credit rating or
can better diversify the investment risks, and receive professional services in monitoring and managing the investments. Establishment of Mutual Funds Cross-boder Offering of Funds Offering for Sale
effort towards encouraging and supporting Thailand Federation of Accounting Professions in prescribing accounting professional standards to be in line with the international, both the development of
can better diversify the investment risks, and receive professional services in monitoring and managing the investments. Establishment of Mutual Funds Cross-boder Offering of Funds Offering for Sale
to support of departments and professional staff engaged in enforcement and ensuring companies comply with Listing Requirements: Market Surveillance: 17 persons Listed Company Oversight: 22 persons
the accounting and internal control systems. The third line of defense is the auditors, who must conduct audits and reviews of financial statements in accordance with their professional standards to be
auditor supervision as the auditor's role of independent professional is fundamental to investor confidence in publicly disclosed corporate financial information. The Securities and Exchange Act of 1992
; (2) enhancing efficiency of preventive measures, surveillance, and enforcement mechanisms in response to technology advancement; (3) increasing market width and depth to attract worldwide investors and
การเงิน และ ภาคตลาดทุน รายจ่ายท่ีใช้งบประมาณปกติ 37,131,000 4 ระบบ Market Surveillance ส าหรับ สินทรัพย์ ดิจิทัล https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Template3/Budget/2565/sec-budget-2565-strategy.pdf sec