quarter and some of the large project in 2021. In addition, the Company was less impacted by the COVID-19 situation in Q1–2021 than those in Q1–2020. Many customers in that period had postponed the delivery
with large numbers and/or high value transactions (e.g. banks, travel agents https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/Auditor/QAQR-04.xlsx securities-ITchecklist.xlsx Timeline การปฏิบัติตามประกาศ IT กรอบระยะ
mai. This manipulation involved continuous trading activities both before the morning trading session and during intraday trading. Examples include placing large-volume buy and/or sell orders across
Foreign issuers must pass certain qualification screening, i.e., being large corporations already listed for a period of time on another regulated exchange (home exchange), which is a member of the World
from the SEC and related agencies for launches of new products, especially foreign exchange futures which are expected to benefit a large number of users. SEC Secretary-General Thirachai
shares on April 29, 2008 and RCI shares on May 2, 2008 in such a way that manipulated the prices of those shares, resulting in large trading volumes and change of share price inconsistent with normal
based on the fairness of shareholders? right protection; especially certain types of transactions, for example, the purchase or sale of assets in a large amount or high value, or related party
prices in the approximate periods that caused the client to suffer loss, eventually. {A} received large incentive amount; over 90 percent of which was from the account of this client. Trading securities on
market force in the capital market, and 5 large sized PVDs, the Government Pension Fund (GPF) and the Social Security Fund, have proclaimed to implement the I Code. Furthermore, SEC and Association of
, otherwise, investors may lose a large amount of money. Those who have been persuaded or have suspicion, please contact SEC Help Center at 1207,” Rapee added.Those who are interested and intend to apply for