and loss Statement (Reported*) *Note: Consolidated financial statement, including TTTBB’s and JASIF’s results for 46 days since 16 Nov 23. Income statement (Bt mn) 4Q22 3Q23 4Q23 %YoY %QoQ FY22 FY23
focusing on expanding network capacity in high-traffic areas to improve customer experience and drive mobile revenue growth. Currently, 5G subscribers have reached 11.5 mn subs or 25% of total subscriber
and will acquire another 19% in 2020 with the total investment of THB 613 million. Unit: THB mn 1Q19 1Q18 Change Hotel business 1,171 1,364 -193 -14.1% Education business 118 122 -4 -3.3% Food business
maturity with fixed coupon rate of 3.5% per annum, semiannually paid throughout the term with TRIS rating BBB+ and stable outlook. Unit: THB mn 3Q18 3Q17 9M18 9M17 Hotel business 1,008 997 11 1.1% 3,328
acts relating to and/or in connection with the above allocation of the Company's newly issued ordinary shares as necessary and appropriate. 2. The offering and the allocation of the 19,000,000 mn newly
และ structure notes ที่ไม่คุ้มครองเงินต้นเป็น complex product ควำมเห็นส ำนักงำน คนขำยควรมีควำมรู้ควำมเข้ำใจ และสำมำรถอธิบำยโครงสร้ำงกำรจ่ำยผลตอบแทน (payoff) ของตรำสำร ไม่ว่ำตรำสำรจะเป็นกำรคุ้มครองเงิน
% Other Businesses. Revenue breakdown EBITDA breakdown Unit: THB mn 3Q19 3Q18 3Q19 3Q18 Hotel business 794 1,008 -214 -21.2% 47 126 -79 -62.7% Education business 91 98 -7 -7.1% -7 -4 -3 -75.0% Food business
Business and 21.8% Other Businesses. Revenue breakdown EBITDA breakdown Unit: THB mn 3Q19 3Q18 3Q19 3Q18 Hotel business 794 1,008 -214 -21.2% 47 126 -79 -62.7% Education business 91 98 -7 -7.1% -7 -4 -3
overseas. Revenue breakdown EBITDA breakdown Unit: THB mn 2Q20 2Q19 2Q20 2Q19 Hotel business 100 813 -713 -87.7% -257 44 -301 -684.1% Education business 57 78 -21 -26.9% -17 -12 -5 -41.7% Food business 17
% YoY due to operating performance and sharing profit from 3BBIF, while increasing 1.5% QoQ from lower depreciation and amortization. 2Q24 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. 5 Income statement (Bt mn) 2Q23