9.79 เมื่อเทยีบกบัไตรมำสเดยีวกนัปี 2563 เท่ำกบัรอ้ยละ 12.39 สำเหตุทีอ่ตัรำก ำไรขัน้ต้นลดลงเนื่องจำก บรษิัทฯมกีำรเติบโตจำกยอดขำยผ่ำนช่องทำงออนไลน์ ประกอบกบัสดัส่วนยอดขำยของกลุ่มผลติภณัฑ์ Apple เพิม่ขึน้
W Wellness World Co., Ltd. to be payable of royalty fee after 1 January 2020. For 21 branches made agreement with Hi Healthcare Center Co., Ltd., to be guaranteed the operating profit from the
distributions, including amounts and frequency, are not guaranteed and are subject to the discretion of the Fund. Past dividends declared are not a forecast or projection of future distributions. The preceding
connects with other rail lines such as Green Line, Purple Line, Orange Line, Red Line and Airport Rail Link which is convenience for the passengers. (Translation) Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company
venture - A Woody Drink company limited (“AWD”)’s management. In June 2020, the Company released Woody C+ Lock Orange Flavoured while began to export to neighboring countries in CLMV in a non- significant
THB 13.89 million (+1.42%) and (7) Home Appliances Products, increased by THB 9.85 million (+11.94%). Mobile and Mobile Accessories Products has the highest growth as a result of an increase in Apple
certificate of deposit has been assigned investment grade credit rating according to Paragraph 2 of Clause 18/2, or the Government, or the Ministry of Finance has guaranteed the principal and interest in full
Clause 18/2, or the Government, or the Ministry of Finance has guaranteed the principal and interest in full amount. 1.2 in case of deposits or time certificate of deposit, such deposits or certificate of
Clause 18/2, or the Government, or the Ministry of Finance has guaranteed the principal and interest in full amount. 1.2 in case of deposits or time certificate of deposit, such deposits or certificate of
baht as main reason came from 5 Cash and equivalent to cash declined of 54.65 million baht which mostly came from Ua Withya Public Company Limited there is a repayment of guaranteed debentures due