carried on and the important events in the development of the issuer's business, e.g. information concerning the nature and results of any material reclassification, merger or consolidation of the issuer or
Previously, the Board of Directors of Natural Park PLC ("N-PARK") and Pacific Assets PLC ("PA") had announced the merger plan between the two companies. To acquire all PA shares, N-PARK has offered
268.63 million Baht, increased 24.52 %, mainly caused income in year 2018 due to the business merger of domestic transport service by land, which is a subsidiary in late 2017 and merger and manufactures
restructured before any merger and acquisition. In the case of investments in shares of public limited companies, the filing of the registration statement and draft prospectus will be exempted. In the case of
million, primarily due to 1) the revenue from the 10.8 MW Solar WVO - COOP projects which started commercial operation in December 2018 and 2) the consolidation of BGYSP after raising stake from 49.0% to
to PEA / MEA increased 157.7% y-on-y in 2019 to Baht 773 million and 29.9% y-on-y in Q4’2019 to Baht 165 million, primarily due to 1) the consolidation of BGYSP after raising stake from 49.0% to 100.0
contracts relating to the leasing out of the whole or substantial part of the Company’s businesses, the assignment to any other persons to manage the Company’s businesses, or the consolidation of such
Company’s businesses, or the consolidation of such business with other persons with an objective towards profit and loss sharing. Amended to read Article 40. In the shareholders meeting, a shareholder shall
% y-on-y in 6M’2019 to Baht 355 million, primarily due to 1) the consolidation of BGYSP after raising stake from 49.0% to 100.0% in Q3’2018 and 2) the revenue from the 10.8 MW Solar WVO - COOP projects
Singapore, said ?The Expedited Review Framework for Secondary Listings is one of a series of initiatives that ACMF is working on to foster ASEAN capital markets integration in line with the objectives of the