หุน้เขา้จดทะเบียนในตลาดหลกัทรัพยฯ์ (“primary listing”) และการเสนอขายหุน้ในรูป dual offering2 โดยคาดวา่จะออกประกาศและมีผลใชบ้งัคบั ภายในเดือนสิงหาคม 2557 น้ี ดงันั้น เพื่อใหก้ารก ากบัดูแลการเสนอขายหุ้นขอ
Domestic Expansion Currently, CPN’s three new projects are under construction, namely CentralPlaza Nakhon Ratchasima (northeast), CentralPlaza Mahachai (Suburban BKK), and CentralPhuket (south). While
determining the credit rating some for whom the rated entity or obligation is within their area of primary analytical responsibility and some of whom have other areas of primary analytical responsibility. 1.15
) ขอ้มลูเกียวกบัตวัแปรทีหลกัทรัพยอ์า้งอิงถึง (3) กาํหนดบทสันนิษฐานโดยถือวา่บุคคลดงัต่อไปนี) เป็นผูที้รู้หรือครอบครองขอ้มูล ภายใน (primary insider) ซึ งบุคคลดงักล่าวอาจพิสูจน์ใหเ้ห็นไดว้า่ไม่รู้หรือไม่ไดค้
impact: The primary types of metrics organizations in the financial sector can use to understand how their financing portfolio (banking, investing, insurance underwriting) impacts the climate include GHG
offering; (2) soliciting investors to invest in a newly-issued outbound product for a public offering in the primary market by any other manner specified by the SEC Office. Clause 12 The outbound product the
offering; (2) soliciting investors to invest in a newly-issued outbound product for a public offering in the primary market by any other manner specified by the SEC Office. Clause 12 The outbound product the
offering; (2) soliciting investors to invest in a newly-issued outbound product for a public offering in the primary market by any other manner specified by the SEC Office. Clause 12 The outbound product the
) soliciting investors to invest in a newly-issued outbound product for a public offering in the primary market by any other manner specified by the SEC Office. Clause 12 The outbound product the services of
) soliciting investors to invest in a newly-issued outbound product for a public offering in the primary market by any other manner specified by the SEC Office. Clause 12 The outbound product the services of