foster marketing position of energy drink under Carabao trademark in the large and high potential growth regions of the UK and other overseas markets outside Asia; Diversify source of revenue flows and
). However, the financial costs from these funding sources were very high. The Company had no ability to compete with the HRC import price from time to time. Moreover, lack of working capital caused the
high potential growth regions of the UK and other overseas markets outside Asia; Diversify source of revenue flows and reduce degree of reliance on energy drink market in Thailand; and Pursue growth
ordinary shares or equals to 100% of paid-up capital 10 Nature of Business: FKRMM started its business as motorcycle tire and tube manufacturer using high technology from Japan. In 2004, FKRMM decided to
started its business as motorcycle tire and tube manufacturer using high technology from Japan. In 2004, FKRMM decided to cease its business due to shortage of labor. As a result, FKRMM changed from
Business: FKRMM started its business as motorcycle tire and tube manufacturer using high technology from Japan. In 2004, FKRMM decided to cease its business due to shortage of labor. As a result, FKRMM
the small value project, there will be high opportunity cost. The Company, on the other hand, concentrate on LPG service as well as diversify to other business than CAZ business. The business operation
the small value project, there will be high opportunity cost. The Company, on the other hand, concentrate on LPG service as well as diversify to other business than CAZ business. The business operation
investment which is aligned with the Company’s strategy to invest in hotels and resorts in prime tourist destinations. o Target Group Hotels and Resorts are projects with high potential and located in
มำกขึ้น อันเนื่องมำจำกผลบวกจำกช่วงไฮซีซั่น (high season) ที่อยู่ในช่วงเดือน ตุลำคมถึงเดือนธันวำคม จึงท ำให้อัตรำกำรใช้สื่อเพ่ิมมำกขึ้น สื่อโฆษณำในอำคำรส ำนักงำนและอื่นๆ มีรำยได้ 108 ล้ำนบำท เพ่ิมขึ้น