previous year, and was mainly responsible for the Biodiesel business’s lowered revenue, which follows the trend of Crude Palm Oil price that contracted. In 2017, the domestic Crude Palm Oil price was still
, we established KASIKORN VISION COMPANY LIMITED (KVision) as an investment holding company to be responsible for scouting tech communities to find innovative firms and tech talents from all corners of
entitled to use such trademark covering the protection period of each relevant trademarks. The seller shall be responsible for all expenses with respect to the process of registration of the said trademarks
that the company’s management, especially in financial aspect, which has been recognized and accepted internationally. On 24 May 2019, the company received Asia Responsible Enterprise Award 2019 in the
regulator of the country where the real estate to be invested is located. If such list of persons is unavailable, the person responsible for the appraisal of the real estate shall have any of the following
และเกณฑ์์ความยังยืนข้องถัึวเหลือง (Round Table on Responsible Soy Association: RTRS) • องค์การจััดการด้านป่าไม้ (Forest Stewardship Council: FCS) • มาติรฐาน ISCC PLUS โดยการรับรองคาร์บอนและ การพฒันาอ
Climate change, Environmental deterioration & Resource scarcity Technology disruption Demographic shift Urbanization Geopolitical shift Covid 19 20 • UN PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) เน้น
IOSCO. Committee1 is responsible for aiding in the development of the international accounting, auditing, and disclosure standards. Being a Member of this committee is a good opportunity for the SEC as it
นการเงินซ่ึงเป็นท่ียอมรับในระดบัสากลของบริษทัฯ ณ วนัท่ี 24 พฤษภาคม 2562 บริษทัฯ ได้รับรำงวัล Asia Responsible Enterprise Award 2019 ประเภท Green Leadership Award จาก Enterprise Asia ซ่ึงเป็นองคก์รเอกช
Standard ของ UN Global Compact หรือ Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”) หรือ CDP 21 II. กรวิเคระห์สถนกรณ์สภพภูมิอกศ (Scenario Analysis) 4.3.2 กรณีผู้ประกอบธุรกิจฯ ประเมินแล้วเห็นว่ climate risk