shares offered by the company’ s existing shareholder, Financial Institution Development Fund (FIDF) 3. Up to 230,000,000 new common shares for offering to over-allotment agent to accommodate the exercise
providing seamless financial services whether in commercial banking or capital market business. All companies will use a new logo designed based on a combination of the existing logos of Kiatnakin Bank and
1,255,000,000 common shares offered by the company’ s existing shareholder, Financial Institution Development Fund (FIDF) 3. Up to 230,000,000 new common shares for offering to over-allotment agent to accommodate
from the existing practice where Core EBITDA reporting precedes Reported EBITDA. Reported EBITDA is derived from and is a true reflection of Audited/Reviewed financial statements. Our MD&A starting this
an investment decision, or that misled investors in a manner of concealing or disguise or making up non-existing facts in material transactions or operation. (d) having withdrawn an application for an
Investor Strategies for Incorporating ESG Considerations into Corporate Interactions Century21st Engagement Investor Strategies for Incorporating ESG Considerations into Corporate Interactions [ 5 ] FOREWORD The Value of Our Voice ......................................................................................................................................... 1 How ESG Megatrends Are Shaping Valuation ...........................................................
เสร็จในเดือน ธันวำคม 2560 โดยท ำกำรปรับโฉมใหม่ภำยใตแ้นวคดิ “Where Nature Meets Urban Living” ผสมผสำนชวีติคนเมอืงใหใ้กลช้ดิตดิธรรมชำต ิเปิดโซนใหม่ เพิม่พื้นทีพั่กผ่อน และพืน้ทีส่เีขยีว รวมถงึพืน้ที ่Co
means remuneration paid to the staff member and employee, namely salary, wages, overtime wage, bonus, pension, living allowance, welfare, company contribution paid to the provident fund, income tax paid
expenses consist of 2.5.1 Personnel expenses means remuneration paid to the staff member and employee, namely salary, wages, overtime wage, bonus, pension, living allowance, welfare, company contribution
, bonus, pension, living allowance, welfare, company contribution paid to the provident fund, income tax paid by the company etc.. 2.5.2 Premises and equipment expenses means depreciation, rent, repair and