others? We leave these questions for future research. 12 REFERENCES Barber, B. M., Odean, T., & Zheng, L. (2005). Out of sight, out of mind: The effects of expenses on mutual fund flows. The Journal of
............................................. 88 List of references ..................................................................................................... 89 iv List of Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank AER Annual Efficiency
full. 14 The warning in the first paragraph shall be displayed at all references of the deposit benchmark. Division 2 Mutual Funds with Investment Policy on Guaranteed Funds According to the Notification
. However, it must always be kept in mind that full literal compatibility between any two taxonomies is unachievable due to the following factors: Widely used references to national regulations. Every
. Please note that where references are made to “insurance” in the questionnaire, these are also applicable to reinsurance unless otherwise specified. Investing (Asset management): Also known as investment
return to the gambling activities independent of regulations. 19 References Bansi, Anna, Colacito, Riccardo and Fulghieri, Paolo. "'O Sole Mio: An Experimental Analysis of Weather and Risk Attitudes in
distribute water supply to user. GS is an operator of production and distribution of water supply to some part of Phuket and Phang- Nga references from the water supply contract from subdistrict administrative
that the company will invest when GS already distribute water supply to user. GS is an operator of production and distribution of water supply to some part of Phuket and Phang- Nga references from the
distribute water supply to user. GS is an operator of production and distribution of water supply to some part of Phuket and Phang- Nga references from the water supply contract from subdistrict administrative
"). Each of the 2026 Notes and the 2031 Notes is a separate Series and is referred to herein as a "Series". References herein to the "Conditions" shall be construed as references to the Terms and Conditions