shall be widely communicated to the relevant personnel of the intermediary in an easily accessible manner in order for such personnel to understand and be able to comply with such policy correctly; (2
CRITERIA LFGITIMATE Trustworthy Accountable ACCESSIBLE Known Variety of access points Assistance to overcome barriers PREDICTABLE Clear procedures Clear timeframes EQUITABLE Fair access to information
company’s strategy, and associated risks and opportunities, and explain the board’s role in assessing and overseeing strategy and the management of risks and opportunities; d) be accessible and appropriately
connected to financial information. • Subject to the same governance processes and sign off as the financial report • Accessible to investors as primary users 31 Source: European Commission Guidelines on
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of the SLBP but also ensure proper monitoring, disclosure and verification as per section 4 of the SLBP. In particular, issuers of SLBs should publish, and keep readily available and easily accessible
trigger of the SPT performance leading to potential adjustments, such as a coupon step-up or premium payment of our SLB, we will publish and keep readily available and easily accessible on our website: Up
Average ROE* - mean 64% 65% *medians are 18% and 24% for 2014 and 2013, respectively. Source: statistics or financial statements accessible at Outlines Fees: a sure thing Performance
underlying. In case of the underlying being an index, the following information shall also be displayed: (a) components of the index or the source of information on such components accessible to the unit