บริษัท มาสเตอร์ แอด จ ากัด (มหาชน) (“บริษัทฯ”) ได้เข้าท าบนัทึกข้อตกลงความเข้าใจเบือ้งต้นกับ Golden Group Solutions (HK) Limited (“ผู้ขาย”) เมื่อวันที่ 15 พฤษภาคม 2562 ในการเข้าซือ้หุ้ นสามญัของบริษัท โค
ไซตข์องส ำนกังำน และกำรรับฟัง ควำมคิดเห็นเฉพำะกลุ่ม (“focus group”) กบัผูป้ระกอบกิจกำร startup ผูส้นใจประกอบธุรกิจเป็น funding portal และท่ีปรึกษำ กฎหมำย 2. เม่ือวนัที่ 30 กนัยำยน 2558 ถึง 30 ตุลำคม 2558
Third Quarter of 2019 KCE Electronics PCL has the pleasure of reporting the operating results of the Company and its subsidiaries ("the Group") for the third quarter of 2019 based on reviewed consolidated
amounting to to 49 percent World of 60 p number of dir that Around (1992) (includi Information of Bef 2,000,00 ber 20,000 o 1. Mr. V 2. Mr. T he investment anager hange of Tha imedia Group ary 2020, the V
amounting to to 49 percent World of 60 p number of dir that Around (1992) (includi Information of Bef 2,000,00 ber 20,000 o 1. Mr. V 2. Mr. T he investment anager hange of Tha imedia Group ary 2020, the V
Electronics PCL has the pleasure of reporting the operating results of the Company and its subsidiaries ("the Group") for the first quarter of 2020 based on reviewed consolidated financial statements for the
total revenue and the revenue from restaurant business of totally 246.99 million Baht or 61.68% of total revenue, summarized by business unit as below. 2 Packaging Business Group Unit: Million Baht Q1
March 31, 2020 To The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Management’s Discussion and Analysis Consolidated Financial Statements For three months ended March 31, 2020 Overall Group Performance Table
of Directors Meeting No. 4/2020 on May 28, 2020 resolved that the Company, as a member of the BBS joint venture (consisting of Bangkok Airways Public Company Limited (“BA”), BTS Group Holdings Public
September 30, 2019 To The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Management’s Discussion and Analysis Consolidated Financial Statements For nine months ended September 30, 2019 Overall Group Performance