“Company”) would like to notify the Stock Exchange of Thailand regarding the business operation for the 2nd Quarter of the year 2018 ended 30 June 2018 as follows; Total Revenue The Company and subsidiary
Companies Concerning the Connected Transactions B.E.2546 (2003) and this transaction has no business characteristics that may cause the conflict of interest. 3. General Characteristics and Transaction Size
strategic partnership and enhance the synergies between the Company and SGAH in order to grow their business in the global market. The total investment of USD 65 million consists of (1) newly issued ordinary
price appraised by the independent appraisal. 6) Expected Benefits of the Transaction The Company is in need of working capital for its business operation and liquidity supplement, including to resolve
year as compared to the same period of last year. Nonetheless, the Company has continuing in enhance its performance and has shown improvements under its business operation consideration. Please be
restructure corporate group’s business. Such transaction does not have any effect to the operation of the company. Name of shareholder Shareholding ratio Tora 1010 Co., Ltd. Pattaya Kabinburi Co., Ltd. Thai
(the “Company”) would like to notify the Stock Exchange of Thailand regarding the business operation for the 3rd Quarter of the year 2018 ended 30 September 2018 as follows; Total Revenue The Company and
The Company will enter into the transaction by accepting the transfer of business from Best Alternative Energy Co.,Ltd. ("BEST"), which holds 1,071,818 shares of GS, or 21.87% of 216.40 million baht
6.22 percent of authorized and paid-up share capital as at 3 December 2018. 5. Source of Fund Operating cash flow of the company and shall not impact core business operation. 6. Interested Director The
เป็นส านักหักบัญชี ศูนย์รับฝาก หลักทรัพย์และนายทะเบียนหลักทรัพย์ (Regulatory Sandbox for activities related to securities business) 2 ความเห็นของผู้ท่ีเกี่ยวข้อง ความเห็นของส านักงาน ระหว่างกัน (Open API