lower to 32.2% from 39.1% in the corresponding period due to higher production costs i.e. sugar, packaging materials, energy cost and the employees’ remuneration packages which increased as a result of
purchased from external party. Gross profits margin from domestic sales was lower to 32.2% from 39.1% in the corresponding period due to higher production costs i.e. sugar, packaging materials, energy cost
sales was lower to 32.0% from 38.2% in the corresponding period due to higher production costs i.e. sugar, packaging materials, energy cost and the employees’ remuneration packages which increased as a
, and reported the Amalgamation between BBP Holding Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of the company) and KSLGI Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of Khon Kaen Sugar Industry Plc.) in July 2017. Exploration and Production
account. In essence, this legislation stipulates that a receiving bank must carefully check the account number and account name of the recipient to ensure their accuracy. If any suspicion of misconduct
observation that could lead to suspicion of an abnormal transaction in the journal vouchers. However, an auditor did not provide the additional procedures to follow up the reason for these findings. For example
Activity Report 2016_En INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2016 INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2016 Executive Summary...................02 Quality Assurance Review Panel................04 Activities for Enhancing Audit Quality...................05 Summary of Audit Inspection Results A. Firm Level...................08 B. Engagement Level...........................28 Root Cause Analysis...................42 Framework and Focuses in 2017...................44 Essential St...
์(Olé Boost) และโอเลม่นิชิกูำรฟ์ร ี(Olé Mini Sugar Free) ส ำหรับปี 2562 อัตรำก ำไรขัน้ตน้ของบรษัิท เตบิโตอยูท่ี ่34.9% หรอืเพิม่ขึน้ 2.5% YoY ท ำใหก้ ำไรขัน้ตน้อยูท่ี ่8,946 ลำ้นบำท เพิม่ขึน้ 1,063 ลำ้
) และโอเลม่นิชิกูำรฟ์ร ี(Olé Mini Sugar Free) ท ำใหร้ำยไดจ้ำกกลุม่อืน่ๆ อยูท่ี ่706 ลำ้นบำท เพิม่ขึน้ 19 ลำ้นบำท หรอืเพิม่ขึน้ 2.8% YoY ในครึง่ปีแรกของปี 2562 อตัรำก ำไรขัน้ตน้ของบรษัิทสงูขึน้อยูท่ี ่35.0
เนินงานของ Intercarabao Limited (“ICUK”) จ านวน 23 ล้านบาท ลดลง 20 ล้านบาทหรือร้อยละ 45.8 ทัง้นี ้ICUK เผชิญกบัความท้าท้ายเมื่อภาษีน า้ตาล (Sugar tax) มีผลใช้บงัคบัในเดือนเมษายน 2561 ผู้ผลติและจดัจ าหนา่