Manager of the Stock Exchange of Thailand For the Q2/2018 period ended of June 30, 2018 (3 months) operating result of the company net loss Baht 4.32 Million comparison with the previous Q2/2017’s net loss
fluctuation of exchange rate, However the company tried to reduce financial risk by hedging against forward exchange contracts. 4. The performances decreased by 136.08 million baht (from the profit of 125.97
and Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand Dear Sirs, Finansia Syrus Securities Public Company would like to disclose the reviewed separated and consolidated financial statements for the six-month
Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 75/102 Ocean Tower 2, 37th Floor, Sukhumvit 19 (Wattana), Asoke Road, Klongtoey Nuer, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel : +66(0)2 661 6661 Fax : +66(0)2
Stock Exchange of Thailand For the Q3/2018 period ended of September 30, 2018 (3 months) operating result of the company net profit Baht 4.79 Million comparison with the previous Q3/2017’s net loss of
. A profit from foreign exchange increased by 17.23 million baht (from 25.24 million baht to 42.47 million baht) due to an impact from fluctuation of exchange rate, However the company tried to reduce
of Thailand Major Development Public Company Limited (“The Company”) would like to inform total revenues 1,464.61 million baht and net profit 74.59 million baht in the consolidated financial statement
Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited 75/102 Ocean Tower 2, 37th Floor, Sukhumvit 19 (Wattana), Asoke Road, Klongtoey Nuer, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel : +66(0)2 661 6661 Fax : +66(0)2
10 บมจ.0107537002109 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร ์คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Demeter Corporation Public Company Limited เลขท่ี 191/43 อำคำรซีทีไอ ทำวเวอร ์ชัน้ 21 ถนนรชัดำภิเษก แขวงคลองเตย เขตคลองเตย กรงุเทพฯ
จัดตัง้บริษัทย่อยตามมติท่ีประชุมคณะกรรมการบริษัทดังกล่าวแล้ว โดยมีรายละเอียดดังนี ้ ช่ือบริษัทย่อย : บริษัท โกไฟว์ จํากัด (Gofive Company Limited) ประเภทธุรกิจ : บริการให้คําปรึกษา และให้บริการด้านระบบ