investments amount Baht 14,162 million, the normal operating profit of EGCO group before the effects of foreign exchange, deferred income tax and lease income increasing by Baht 939 million comparing to Q1/2018
196,019 387,611 3 G J Steel Public Limited Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Q1/2019 Post the production disruptions in Q1, the plant is returning to normal operations and is expected to improve
% increase from 2Q2018 mainly from GHECO-One normal operation since 9th Februay 2019 after planned major maintenance. According to the PPA with EGAT, which based on the principle that annual AP will not be
Plc. I 4 slightly improved from the previous quarter, due to the recovery of Gasoline-Dubai crack spread (UNL95/DB) in this quarter. Moreover, the refinery was able to continuously maintain its normal
นอกจำกน้ี สิ่งส ำคัญในกำรด ำเนินธุรกจิในด้ำนกำรจัดเก็บหน้ี เจ ฟินเทค ยังคงสำมำรถรักษำอัตรำกำรจัดเกบ็หน้ี ได้ค่อนข้ำงดี โดยจัดเก็บหน้ีในชั้นปกติ (Normal+Xday) ได้เฉลี่ยเท่ำกับร้อยละ 97.25 ในไตรมำส 2/2562
above, 60.9% of the total revenue was from project The Lofts Asoke which generate normal profit margin. Therefore, it helped to bring up the total GPM of this business. For F&B business, the Company
Asset Criteria Cannot be calculated due to this is the transaction of the disposal of land and buildings (2) Net Profits from Normal Operation Criteria Cannot be calculated due toe this is the transaction
opportunity for such a debtor’s business to return to normal operation more expeditiously. KBank has studied and analyzed the impact of this new law, and has proposed recommendations as well as having conducted
significantly higher than last year quarter due to the Company entered the Tolling agreement with G Steel for producing of HRC to increase the normal capacity during off peak power usage commencing in 4th Quarter
ตัวดีข้ึนอยางชัดเจน อตัราการจัดเก็บหน้ี ปรับตวัดีขึน้อยางตอเน่ือง เปาหมายสงูกวา รอยละ 98 ม.ค.61 ก.พ.61 มี.ค.61 หน้ีจัดช้ันปกติ (Normal และ X Day) 94.6% 96.8% 97.2% หมายเหตุ: อัตราการจดัเกบ็หนี