0 . Currently, the defendant has its obligation to comply with the in-court settlement agreement. 1.3.3 The third lawsuit was filed under the broadcasting license (the right to broadcast Edge Sport
defendant has its obligation to comply with the in-court settlement agreement. บมจ.0107537002109 Page 6 of 14 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร ์คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Demeter Corporation Public Company Limited เลขท่ี 191
. The increasing amount was mostly due to higher average market fuel price. 19 ASIA’S BOUTIQUE AIRLINE As of 30 June 2019, The Company still has an obligation from fuel price hedging until June 2020
. The rising amount was mostly due to higher average market fuel price and additional excise tax for domestic flights. As of 30 September 2018, The Company still has an obligation from fuel price hedging
Broadcast Co., Ltd. This debtor has been sued for 3 times based on different sources of obligation as described below. 1.3.1 Case 1: Filing a lawsuit based on a Program Co-production Contract towards the
. This debtor has been sued for 3 times based on different sources of obligation as described below. 1.3.1 Case 1: Filing a lawsuit based on a Program Co-production Contract towards the Civil Court. The
tax obligation. Rathanon.f Highlight 10 Bangkok Commercial Asset Management Public Company Limited 3.2. Cash Collection from NPLs and NPAs management businesses The Company believes that for the NPLs
, neither Singha Estate nor its respective advisers and/or agents undertake any obligation to provide the recipient with access to any additional information or to update this presentation or any additional
in the proceeding of the Supreme Court. 1.3 MIC Broadcast Co., Ltd. This debtor has been sued for 3 times based on different sources of obligation as described below. 1.3.1 Case 1: Filing a lawsuit
. Seree Techateerawat Obligation : Title deed no. 1441 and 137474 – 137480 mortgaged to Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited. 4.2 Business plan in future The Company will use land and buildings to further