excluding inventory gains/losses from reported EBITDA. Inventory gains/losses in a period result from the movement in prices of raw mate- rials and products from the end of the previous reported period to the
comparison for decision making. Construction cost - Buildings and infrastructure 38.37 - Machines and system 109.63 - Pipeline 66.94 Total Project Value 237.00 In this regard, the purchase of land Raw water
market for each of the last three financial years. 3. A description of the seasonality of the issuer's main business. 4. A description of the sources and availability of raw materials, including a
รกบัสมาคมขนส่งทางอากาศ ระหว่างประเทศ (International Air Transport Association – IATA) ว่าด้วยการจัดตัง้ศูนย์ฝึกอบรมด้านการบินของ IATA ระดบัภมิูภาค (เดือนมีนาคม 2562) 8. บริษัทฯ ดําเนินการปรับเปล่ียนและ
Microsoft Word - Tor Jor 63-2561 Baht Bond 111261 (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. - ราง - Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 63/2561 Re: Approval Rules on Offer for Sale of Newly Issued Bond of Foreign Entity Denominated in Thai Baht ______________________ By virtue of Section 16/6 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), as am...
the last three financial years. 3. A description of the seasonality of the issuer's main business. 4. A description of the sources and availability of raw materials, including a description of whether
Transport Association – IATA) ว่ำด้วยกำรจัดตัง้ศูนย์ฝึกอบรมด้ำนกำรบินของ IATA ระดบัภมูิภำค (เดือนมีนำคม 2562) 8. บริษัทฯ ด ำเนินกำรปรับเปลี่ยนและย้ำยระบบที่ให้บริกำรผู้ โดยสำร (Passenger Service System : PSS
enables cash-on-delivery payment with transport service providers. The innovation provides a new and more secure payment experience for retail customers in support of the drive towards a cashless society
volatile during this quarter. However, Thailand’s financial stability was satisfactory due to a high current account surplus and rising demand for imported raw materials used in export-oriented manufacturing
, logistics and transport as well as fintech business, both domestic and international, have joined the fray to provide financial services to local customers. Given this development, non-conventional