well as any other documents in relation to Komchadluek Business and Trademark Acquisition, including but not limited to the Business and Trademark Purchase Agreement; (c) Executing, amending, modifying
(Translation) PAGE 112 (Translation) Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (As Amended) _________________ BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 12th day of March B.E. 2535; Being the 47th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law on the securities and exchange; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as...
Governance of Publicly Traded Company - Definition (Section 89/1) - Qualifications and the removal of directors and executives (Section 89/3 - 89/6) - Duty and responsibility of directors and executives (Section 89/7 - 89/14) - Shareholders’ rights under Chapter 3/1 (Section 89/26, 89/28, 89/30) - Shareholder’s right to bring a derivative action and a private lawsuit against directors and executives (Section 89/18 - 89/20) - Criminal liability of directors and executives (Section 281/2, 281/3, 2...
Activity Report 61En INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2018 INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2018 Executive Summary....................................................................................02 Quality Assurance Review Panel........................................03 Activities for Enhancing Financial Reporting Quality.................................................................................................07 Summary of Audit Inspection Results A. Firm-Le...
THAILAND CORPORATE ESG DISCLOSURE LISTED COMPANIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POLICY DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Robert Black, Dr Rory Sullivan, Ella Harvey and Chup Priovashini (Chronos Sustainability) May 2022 THAILAND CORPORATE ESG DISCLOSURE Contents Foreword from SEC Thailand ..................................................................................................................... 3 Foreword from World Bank ...................................................................................
(Translation) Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (As Amended) _________________ BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 12th day of March B.E. 2535; Being the 47th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law on the securities and exchange; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as both Houses of Parliam...
, and reported the Amalgamation between BBP Holding Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of the company) and KSLGI Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of Khon Kaen Sugar Industry Plc.) in July 2017. Exploration and Production
์(Olé Boost) และโอเลม่นิชิกูำรฟ์ร ี(Olé Mini Sugar Free) ส ำหรับปี 2562 อัตรำก ำไรขัน้ตน้ของบรษัิท เตบิโตอยูท่ี ่34.9% หรอืเพิม่ขึน้ 2.5% YoY ท ำใหก้ ำไรขัน้ตน้อยูท่ี ่8,946 ลำ้นบำท เพิม่ขึน้ 1,063 ลำ้
) และโอเลม่นิชิกูำรฟ์ร ี(Olé Mini Sugar Free) ท ำใหร้ำยไดจ้ำกกลุม่อืน่ๆ อยูท่ี ่706 ลำ้นบำท เพิม่ขึน้ 19 ลำ้นบำท หรอืเพิม่ขึน้ 2.8% YoY ในครึง่ปีแรกของปี 2562 อตัรำก ำไรขัน้ตน้ของบรษัิทสงูขึน้อยูท่ี ่35.0
เนินงานของ Intercarabao Limited (“ICUK”) จ านวน 23 ล้านบาท ลดลง 20 ล้านบาทหรือร้อยละ 45.8 ทัง้นี ้ICUK เผชิญกบัความท้าท้ายเมื่อภาษีน า้ตาล (Sugar tax) มีผลใช้บงัคบัในเดือนเมษายน 2561 ผู้ผลติและจดัจ าหนา่