for producing of HRC to increase the normal capacity during off peak power usage commencing in 4th Quarter of 2017 till to present which can demonstrate as the following: Management’s Discussion and
disposal of land and buildings Enclosure Page 3 2. Net Profits from Normal Operation Criteria Cannot be calculated since this is the transaction of the disposal of land and buildings 3. Total Value of
Q3’17. The reversal of the provisions related to termination of Unicharm’s distribution agreement has caused administrative expenses in Q3’17 to be lower than normal. Without Unicharm’s reversal impact
Profits from Normal Operation Criteria Cannot be calculated due toe this is the transaction of the disposal of land and buildings Enclosure (3) Total Value of Consideration Criteria Total Value of
disposal of land and buildings (2) Net Profits from Normal Operation Criteria Cannot be calculated due toe this is the transaction of the disposal of land and buildings (3) Total Value of Consideration
Asset Criteria Cannot be calculated due to the Company's net asset value is less than zero (2) Net Profits from Normal Operation Criteria Cannot be calculated due to the Company and Subsidiary have a loss
รมำส 3/2562 มีมูลค่ำเท่ำกับ 3,673 ล้ำนบำท ซึ่งลดลงเมื่อเทียบกับสิ้นปีที่ผ่ำนมำ ร้อยละ 8.8 ซึ่งบริษัทได้ระมัดระวังในกำรปล่อยสินเชื่อค่อนข้ำงมำก และบริษัทยังคงสำมำรถจัดเก็บลูกหนี้ชั้นปกติ (Normal to X Day
was from a low profit-margin generating project as explained above, 53.2% of the total revenue was from project The Lofts Asoke which generate normal profit margin. Therefore, it helped to bring up the
quarter improved to 29.4% from 25.4% in 4Q/2018 due to the revenue mainly was from sales of projects with normal profit margin. For F&B business, the Company gained THB 7.0mn of gross profit in this period
cooked chicken products, normal production capacity was 2,000 metric tons per month. The 2 production lines, affected by fire accident, had production capacity of approximately 1,000 tons per month