make sure all parts are more beautiful, elegance and extravagance. The additional details of the project as mentioned previously require an increase in investment cost and consequently higher financial
make sure all parts are more beautiful, elegance and extravagance. The additional details of the project as mentioned previously require an increase in investment cost and consequently higher financial
19.19% after the Transaction, therefore the Transaction is finally concluded as the disposition of assets at post-transaction according to the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board stated
COVID-19 situation. However, The Group is still able to drive high presale, due to marketing strategies and Everyone Can Sell Campaign, for quarter 2/2020 presales is 6,578.2 million baht. Consequently
2020/21, the Company sees a positive sentiment from the Prowtech’s operation due to a sign of recovery in Outdoor media demand. Therefore, MACO will initially invest 15.0% in VGI Vietnam from subscribing
novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country, SEC has considered appropriate to revise the holidays of securities companies and derivatives business operators and, therefore, announced the cancellation
statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2008 to the SEC and the SET within the specified period. The public prosecutor issued a non-prosecution order; the case was therefore deemed final. SEC Act
business of the Company Carnival Magic Project is a theme park, which is in the tourism and leisure business sector and the same business of the existing group companies. Therefore, this transaction shall
Company Carnival Magic Project is a theme park, which is in the tourism and leisure business sector and the same business of the existing group companies. Therefore, this transaction shall enhance and
Analyzing Investment and Giving Investment Advice dated January 18, 2012. Consequently, the SEC suspended {A} as an approved securities investment consultant for one month.