, due to an increase in mobile phone inventory in preparation for the growing handset sale. Inventory turnover day stood at 51 days, same level as last year. Net trade receivable amounted to Bt16,277mn
same period last year with sales in the first quarter of 2020 decreasing. Due to the decrease in sales of mobile distribution business In part due to the closing of branches of mobile phone shop and
via mobile phone. A smart model has been created for analysis of customer data in terms of financial behaviors and lifestyles to facilitate our clients in gaining access to loan anytime as desired. The
, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, addresses on the identification cards, addresses on the house registration, permanent address, home telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers. Sensitive data: Data
mobile phone numbers, email addresses, addresses on the identification cards, addresses on the house registration, permanent address, home telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers. Sensitive data: Data
United States of America to operates international trading business; earning gradual revenue and primary profit increase with small remaining net loss due to the cost of new company incorporation and
ทั้งนี้ เพื่อให้ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจมีข้อมูลเพียงพอยืนยันตัวตนของ ลูกค้าที่ส่งคำส่ังได้ 2. กรณีลูกค้าซื ้อขายหลักทร ัพย ์ผ ่านอุปกรณ์ที ่มิใช่ทรัพย์สินของ ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจผ่าน internet (เช่น mobile phone
คูม่อืส ำหรบัประชำชน : การยืน่แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูการเสนอขายหุน้ทีอ่อกโดยบรษิทัตา่งประเทศ (primary listing) – เพือ่การมผีลใชบ้งัคบัของแบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลู (ขอ effective แบบ filing) หนว่ยงำนทีใ่หบ้รกิำร
%, primary by higher Gross Profit of High-Valued Document. Excluding extra expenses that are combined as part of the cost of sales in 2Q19. Consisting of the impact of the legal adjustment of compensation for
reported at 21.6%, nearly to %GP 9M18 represented at 21.7%. Excluding TBSP %GP at 17.2%, Company’s core %GP achieved at 24.9%, primary by higher Gross Profit of High-Valued Document. Excluding extra expenses