emissions. Two distinct approaches can be used to determine the boundary of the organisation’s direct emissions: the equity share and the control approaches. Under the control approach, a company accounts for
. Related Party Transactions × XII. INTERESTS OF EXPERTS AND COUNSEL XIII. FINANCIAL INFORMATION A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information × B. Significant Changes × XIV. ADDITIONAL
: IT Security with the following details: 2.1 Information Security Policy; 2.2 Organization of Information Security; 2.3 Human Resource Security; 2.4 Asset Management; 2.5 Access Control 2.6
) Chapter 2: IT Security with the following details: 2.1 Information Security Policy; 2.2 Organization of Information Security; 2.3 Human Resource Security; 2.4 Asset Management; 2.5 Access Control 2.6
Summary Significant Event Operating Highlights in Q3/2023 Q3/22 Q3/23 Change +/(-) 9M/22 9M/23 Change +/(-) (THB million) %YoY %YoY Operating Revenue 246 338 37% 674 900 34% Gross Profit 159 223 40% 426 583
Summary Significant Event Operating Highlights in Q4/2023 Q4/22 Q4/23 Change +/(-) 2022 2023 Change +/(-) (THB million) %YoY %YoY Operating Revenue 264 317 20% 938 1,217 30% Gross Profit 166 206 24% 592 789
/secweb/select?q=electrical control OR "electrical control" OR "electric manage" OR "electric oversee" OR "power manage" OR "power oversee"&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.field=key_filetype
0.9% 36 0.0% 1,879 5,286.4% Gain on disposal of entities under common control 496 0.2% - 0.0% 496 n.a. Other income(1) 14,394 7.0% 11,770 6.3% 2,624 22.3% Total revenue 206,575 100.0% 187,998 100.0
strategic move by combining Central and Robinson department store. The business synergy will give the combined department stores a significant acceleration to become more customer- centric, as well as to
mainly from significant increase in sales from dessert café both in Q1 and Q2/2019, while the selling expenses per store did not increase significantly as a result of manpower expense control at each