(Thailand) Co., Ltd. as follow; Items Before changing par value After changing par value 1. Registered Capital 100,000,000.00 Baht 100,000,000.00 Baht 2. Paid up Capital 100,000,000.00 Baht 100,000,000.00
decision to invest, the investor should study in detail before making investment decision; (4) providing knowledgeable and expert personnel to explain the information on mutual fund rating upon enquired; (5
subsidiaries offsetting while the Company recognized THB 123 million revenue from new business. Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (“EBITDA”) reported THB 222 million decrease 52.3
from associates 221.57 375.22 151.60 63.24 Management benefit expenses 24.06 40.75 29.98 12.51 Profit (Loss) before tax (208.97) (353.89) (86.30) (36.00) Tax - - - - Net Profit (loss) for the period
from associates 221.57 375.22 151.60 63.24 Management benefit expenses 24.06 40.75 29.98 12.51 Profit (Loss) before tax (208.97) (353.89) (86.30) (36.00) Tax - - - - Net Profit (loss) for the period
expenses 9.84 132.97 11.30 23.56 Profit (Loss) before tax (197.67) (2,671.21) (19.64) (40.95) Tax - - - - Net Profit (loss) for the period (197.67) (2,671.21) (19.64) (40.95) Profit (Loss) attributable to
benefit expenses 14.16 124.10 17.84 33.51 Financial cost 0.14 1.23 0.34 0.64 Share of losses in associates 64.23 562.93 2.91 5.46 Profit (Loss) before tax (274.97) (2,409.90) (94.15) (176.84) Tax
its website. In case of changing the names of persons on the displayed list, the intermediary shall update the list within 14 days as from the date of such change. 13 Clause 22 An intermediary shall
transitioning to a net zero carbon future), as for those seeking to create positive impacts for existing and new customers and other Stakeholders through their products and services. Implementation of these
wildfires) Environmental & climate and economy feedback effects Micro Businesses and Households Businesses • Property damage • Business disruption • Stranded assets and new capital expenditure • Changing