conjunction with Section 33, Section 34, Section 36, Section 41, Section 43, Section 44, Section 45 and Section 64 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand so permit by virtue of law, as well as Clause 16
security as well as supervise, monitor and examine compliance with such policies, measures, and operating systems, and review the suitability thereof regularly; In the interest of meeting the aforesaid
handling; In this regard, the high-level management should arrange for a procedure in notifying and acknowledging the related personnel of the policies and the practices as well as a procedure for continuous
personnel of the policies and the practices as well as a procedure for continuous and regular monitoring and amending of the policy. 3. The management should determine the guideline for conducting compliance
, which helped support investors’ confidence. This is despite the fact that this factor, coupled with the stable policy rate, resulted in increased volatility in money and capital markets as well as foreign
Distancing ทุกจุด 3) กำรตดิตำมเพื่อควำม ปลอดภัย (Safety Tracking) 4) กำรใส่ใจในควำมสะอำดทุกจุดสัมผัส (Deep Cleaning) และ 5) แนวทำงลดกำรสมัผัส (Touchless Experience) ซึง่มำตรกำร ดังกลำ่วสำมำรถเพิม่ควำมมั่นใจ
structure from 1 April 2020 to strengthen the business for the group in terms of Efficiency, Availability and Reliability in delivering electricity and steam, as well as focusing on synergy in the operation
ใน 5 แกนหลัก กว่ำ 75 มำตรกำร ไดแ้ก ่1) กำรคัดกรองอย่ำงเขม้งวด (Extra Screening) 2) มำตรฐำน Social Distancing ทุกจุด 3) กำรติดตำมเพื่อควำมปลอดภัย (Safety Tracking) 4) กำรใสใ่จในควำมสะอำดทุกจุดสมัผัส
management of factory, safety., raising effectiveness in resource consumption, reducing negative impact on environment as well as contribute to society and all stakeholders. GPSC - Q3/2020 Management
legitimate fund-raising instruments and protecting investors from fraud and embezzlement, as well as preventing the exploitation of digital assets to facilitate illegal transactions. The two laws, coming into