ก.ล.ต. สนับสนุนสถาบันไทยพัฒน์เปิดเผยผลประเมินความคืบหน้าในเรื่องการป้องกันการมีส่วนเกี่ยวข้องกับคอร์รัปชันสำหรับบริษัทจดทะเบียนไทย (Anti-corruption Progress Indicator) ประจำปี 2558 พบบริษัทจดทะเบียน
in the agreement. As of 31 March 2020, the establishment of this new company is still in progress, so the capital payment has not been done yet. Unit: Baht million 1Q20 1Q19 Change Hotel business 875
, there was loss from impairment of investments in associates increased by THB 15.06 million and doubtful accounts increased by THB 0.99 million. Progress of major debtors which is in the process of court
associates of THB 27.89 million. Progress of major debtors which is in the process of court trial and process of legal execution 1. Cases in the process of court trial: 1.1 Media Agency Thai Company Limited is
investment in subsidiary companies 22.41 million and loss from impairment of increased investment in associates 107.17 million Progress on court’s consideration and legal enforcement of the main debtors 1.1
industrial waste to energy power plant project located at Ratchaburi Industrial Estate and operated by Progress Interchem (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (“Interchem”) with a contracted capacity of 4.0 MW (an installed
billion baht to 1.61 billion baht by the end of 2001. Successful near-term market recovery by itself cannot, of course, ensure sustainable progress of the capital market. As economies and capital markets
final blueprint Example Project A progress % billing % Q3’20 10 - Q3’20 20 - Q4’20 15 10 Q4’20 35 20 Q1’21 20 50 Q2’21 - 20 100 100The entity measures progress according to % billing recognise revenue 99
Sudbuntad) Chief Executive Officer Company Secretary Office Tel. +66 3622 4171-8 Ext. 314 Fax. +66 3622 4187 - 1 - DIAMOND BUILDING PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND ITS SUBSIDIARY MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND
Analysis (MD&A) as attached herewith. Please be informed accordingly. Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of Diamond Building Products Public Company Limited (Mr. Satid Sudbuntad) Chief Executive Officer - 1