Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights : UNGPs) และมุ่งเน้นการตรวจสอบสิทธิมนุษยชนอย่างรอบด้าน (Human Rights Due Diligence : HRDD) ตลอดห่วงโซ่คุณค่าในภาคปฏิบัติและนำไปสู่การเปิดเผยข้อมูลในแบบ 56-1
himself and by juristic persons under section 258 resulting in his aggregate number of shares held by other persons exceeded trigger point at 25 percent of the total voting rights of NOBLE. Later, Mr. Kris
to prepare and submit the incident which affects or is likely to affect the rights and interests of securities holders or the decision-making on investment or the change in the securities price of the
to prepare and submit the defaults in Bill of Exchange and the default in the interest of bonds, these incidents which affects or is likely to affect the rights and interests of securities holders or
”) securities which caused his aggregate holding of NOK shares reached or passed five percent of the total number of voting rights of NOK within the period specified in the notification of the Capital Market
shares to reach or pass a multiple of 5 percent of the total number of voting rights of TAPAC amount four times, but he failed to report the acquisition of such TAPAC shares to the SEC Office within a
failure to prepare and submit the defaults in Bill of Exchange, incident which affects or is likely to affect the rights and interests of securities holders or the decision-making on investment or the
reached or passed five percent of the total number of voting rights of NEWS. He later filed the accurate reports (Form 246-2) to the SEC Office on March 30, 2018. SEC Act S.246 Settlement Committee
Limited (ABC) shares when aggregate holding of ABC in trading account of Mr. Porameth reached or passed five percent of the total number of voting rights of ABC. Such action aided and abetted Mr. Sathit
aggregate holding of PERM shares reached or passed five percent of the total number of voting rights of PERM but she failed to reported these acquisition to the SEC Office within the period specified in the