branch office, it shall be deemed that an approval has been granted to the intermediary when [i] the qualifications as specified in Clause 7 has been met by the intermediary as of the opening date of such
granted to the intermediary when [i] the qualifications as specified in Clause 7 has been met by the intermediary as of the opening date of such branch office and [ii] the intermediary has already notified
granted to the intermediary when [i] the qualifications as specified in Clause 7 has been met by the intermediary as of the opening date of such branch office and [ii] the intermediary has already notified
Highlights Opening of major outlets has been slowed down while pop-up stores are more in focus Responding to the moderate economic situation in Thailand, After You has slowed down branch investments and
addition, cost of service also increased in relevant to the opening of the projects. Moreover, financial cost decreased due to the prepayment fee from re-financing which recognized as expense total Baht 212
revenues in full quarter this year. However, cost of service also increased in relevant to the opening of the projects. Financial cost increased from the same quarter of the previous year due to in the third
and December 2021 respectively and opening of Mitsubishi and Ford showroom in April 2022 and August 2022 respectively. Ford also launched a new model in Q3 2022 which help boost sales. In Malaysia, high
expenses of new outlets (i.e. Hat Yai, Chachoengsao, Rayong and Diana branches) particularly personnel and marketing expenses which relatively high during the opening period. Also, the Company recognized
restructuring, and increase in revenue from rental service due to the opening of three new retail plaza locations under our Thailand department stores segment and the first full year contributions from two
there is no opening project cost in this period and increase in revenue Bath 32 million. 3. Gross profit of Solar energy (“SE”) increased Baht 1 million and the same level of gross profit margin. 4