approval to lessen burdens of the capital market auditor, provided that the knowledge, skills and quality of work are evaluated by SEC on a regular basis.In addition, TDRI has presented the draft proposal
function via the DRC site in case of longer-than- expected failure of the main system. Regular Annual Report 2006 media channels such as
main system. Regular 18035195.pdf sectors consists of Big Coroporate and Corporate Loan, SMEs and SME Loan, and Retail Loan. 3. Fianancial
Board holds regular meetings whose yearly schedule is set in advance. Prior to each meeting, the Secretary-General presents a draft agenda to the Chairman for approval. Once approved, it is distributed to
มาลงทุนระยะยาว (3) กรณี regular saving ควรสามารถใหของสมนาคุณในอัตราที่มากกวาการลงทุนในกรณีอ่ืน เพื่อเปนการกระตุนใหเกดิการออมในระยะยาว เหตุผล การกําหนดอัตราของสมนาคุณเปนไปตามที่สมาคมที่เกี่ยว
invested securities on a regular schedule. Such incidents are beyond the control of the mutual fund management company and the mutual fund supervisor is informed and acknowledged about the situation. (5) The
invested securities on a regular schedule. Such incidents are beyond the control of the mutual fund management company and the mutual fund supervisor is informed and acknowledged about the situation. (5) The
following conditions and have been passed for not more than 2 years as of the application date: 1.1 organized or accepted by the SEC Office; 1.2 internationally organized and accepted by the SEC Office. In
. − ✓ Except those having passed CISA Level 3. − − Remark 1 The eligible courses must meet any of the following conditions and have been passed for not more than 2 years as of the application date: 1.1 organized
management, etc. 22 The eligible courses must meet any of the following conditions and have been passed for not more than 2 years as of the application date: 1.1 organized or accepted by the SEC Office; 1.2