extremely high volatility which included triggering the SET circuit-breaker 3 times. Each large movement also triggered a massive change in the Delta hedge position within a very short period of time. These
Regulation : A Peak at Global Movement” เพื่อเป็นเวทีในการรับฟัง เรียนรู้มุมมองและความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับการกำกับดูแลสินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลจากหน่วยงานกำกับดูแล นักวิชาการ ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจ และผู้ที่เกี่ยวข้องในอุตสาหกรรม
CPKO price movement though the company was able to sell FA sales volume of 30,209 tons (up 9% yoy). In addition, the company recorded stock loss & NRV of THB 139 million, pressured by downward trend of
generation through new shopping malls, enhancement of existing malls, new mixed-use development projects, such as residential development, as well as efficient cost management. CPN currently manages 32
generation through new shopping malls, enhancement of existing malls, new mixed-use development projects, such as residential development, as well as efficient cost management. CPN currently manages 32
the business plan. CPN continues to emphasize on effective revenue generation through new shopping malls, enhancement of existing malls, new mixed-use development projects, such as residential
generation through new shopping malls, enhancement of existing malls, as well as efficient cost management. CPN currently manages 33 shopping malls with the net leasable area (NLA) of approximately 1.7 mn sqm
malls, enhancement of existing malls, new mixed-use development projects, such as residential development, study into value-accretive merger and acquisition (M&A) opportunities, as well as apply efficient
of its value enhancement project (adding 45 villas and upgrading facilities and common areas) in late 2016. On a QoQ basis, performance of hotel business grew by 41%, as first quarter of the year is
startup firms for enhancement of our business capabilities to achieve sustainable growth while maintaining our market leadership over the long term. Guided by our core strategies of “Customer Centricity