total borrowings. To manage risk that might occur from the fluctuation in currency and interest rate of long-term a debenture in foreign currencies, the Company has entered into cross currency interest
conditions for the transaction are set; There are other groups of shareholders that can counterbalance; Monitoring of transactions that occur; Frequent revision of the appropriateness of the methods used
registered audit firms, audit firm change is less likely to occur. This might be because of clients’ concerns that audit firm change creates transactions or switching costs for them. Discussion and Implication
value of the consideration method, and the Company has no transaction about Acquisition of Assets occur during the past 6 months, so the maximum transaction value based on the total value of the
business in the amount of 21.09 million baht and product pneumatic tube carrier systems projects that will occur in the first quarter of the year 2019, amount 5.29 million baht. 5.2 Cash flow from investing
unit holders; (2) has continuously sufficient capital to operate the business and to compensate for any detriment which may occur from performing the duties of a REIT manager; (3) discloses, gives
Emissions Scope 1 (Direct): Occur from sources that are owned or controlled by the company Scope 2 (Electricity Indirect): GHG emissions from the generation of purchased electricity consumed by the company
include experience, for example, education, employment record, affiliation, job positions, work experience, test/training records, certification numbers of locally certified public accountants/international
งบรษิทัผูข้อความเห็นชอบ ฉบบัจรงิ 0 ฉบับ ส ำเนำ 1 ฉบับ หมำยเหต ุ(ลงนำมโดยผูม้อี ำนำจผูกพันบรษัิท พรอ้มตรำประทับ (ถำ้ม)ี) - 6) ขอบเขตหนา้ที ่(Job description) ของต าแหน่งทีข่อความเห็นชอบ ฉบบัจรงิ 0 ฉบับ ส ำเนำ
scope and description of delegated responsibilities of each position (job description). *** The number of experience years may be indicated in periods of time. **** For example, the Audit Firm has 3