profit margin decreased to 25.2% due to the lower revenue base. Share of loss from investments in JVs and Associates was THB 22mn owing to the performance of Master Ad Public Company Limited as its
. Thomas Frakes and company’s stamp Expected Benefits 1. Increased income from the expansion of distribution channels as well as improved service for existing customer base; and more credibility by switching
expansion of the customer base and therefore increase in sales order from the customers. 2. Cost of sales and service increase by Baht 12.5 million or 290% compared to the same period of last year
Turn-key for Engineering, Design, Supply, Installation, Supervision, Testing, Commissioning, etc. Valve, Fire Hose, Fire Extinguisher Equipment, Automatic Sprinkler Equipment Water Base System
role in providing education and expanding quality investor base. The industry needed analysis reports on medium to small-cap stocks and other quality securities. Therefore, SET in collaboration with SEC
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Turn-key for Engineering, Design, Supply, Installation, Supervision, Testing, Commissioning, etc. Valve, Fire Hose, Fire Extinguisher Equipment, Automatic Sprinkler Equipment Water Base System