normal market condition. In the scheme, Mr. Sun Dongvanpakdee and three other persons who entered the settlement procedure on January 22, 2014 aided or abetted the aforesaid actions by allowing others to
. In the scheme, Mr. Sun Dongvanpakdee and three other persons who entered the settlement procedure on January 22, 2014 aided or abetted the aforesaid actions by allowing others to use their trading
. In the scheme, Mr. Sun Dongvanpakdee and three other persons who entered the settlement procedure on January 22, 2014 aided or abetted the aforesaid actions by allowing others to use their trading
company (“AMC”) to easier receive unitholders’ resolution in revision or modification of mutual fund project or management procedure Amendments Details 2.1 Imposing fiduciary duty of AMC in mutual fund
(anything, anytime and anywhere) สำนักงำน ก.ล.ต. จึงเห็นควรเสนอให้มีกำรแก้ไข ๓ พ.ร.บ. ทรัสต์ฯ ใหร้องรับกระบวนกำรทำงอิเลก็ทรอนิกส์ในตลำดทุนทงัหมดและสร้ำงสภำพแวดลอ้ม ดิจิทลั (digital ecosystem) การจดัให้มี
development of the financial reporting ecosystem; it is our belief that for the financial reporting to be reliable, the stakeholders in the ecosystem should be aware, and have a good understanding, of their
core objective of building a robust foundation for the financial reporting ecosystem, with a special focus on extending the efforts in promoting stakeholders’ better understanding of their roles and the
, climate-resilient and just nation.”The business sector is considered to play a crucial role in supporting Thailand to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, relying on an ecosystem that must begin with
system; 2. Financial reporting ecosystem: A well-balanced financial reporting ecosystem whereby the parties involved in the preparation process can perform their duties fully and appropriately contributes
penalty to be imposed on the offender. Appeal Any person who is affected by, and disagrees with, an administrative order has the right to appeal such order. The appeal procedure is provided by the SEC