ก.ล.ต. พบวา การใชดุลยพินิจและความสงสัยเยี่ยงผูประกอบวิชาชีพ (professional skepticism) ยังไมเหมาะสม จากการวิเคราะหหาสาเหตุของขอบกพรองตาง ๆ ขางตน ก.ล.ต. พบวา แตละสำนักงานสอบบัญชีมีสาเหตุหลักมา
SECOND PARTY OPINION1 ON CHANEL’S SUSTAINABILITY-LINKED BOND FRAMEWORK September 2020 BACKGROUND CHANEL (hereafter the “Issuer”) contemplates including three environmental factors to the Sustainability-Linked Bonds (the “SLBs”) to be issued in compliance with the Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework (the “Framework”) created to govern their issuances and following the Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles (the “SLBP”). The Framework will include the Issuer’s commitment to achieve specific target...
without doubt; (4) report the deposit of said assets to the relevant member within reasonable time. The securities clearing house shall set out rules on how to carry out the actions under Paragraph 1
Eligibility Criteria for Waste Management These Criteria cover waste management operations for waste once it has become waste. For the avoidance of doubt, all mobile plant used at waste management facilities
components of the GBP. Note 4 It is recognised that issuers may wish to align their Green Bonds with both the GBP and the SLBP. For the avoidance of doubt, such an approach remains at the discretion of issuers
promoting savoir faire and creativity 1 For the avoidance of doubt, excluding any non-‘Chanel’ brand subsidiaries, including Château Canon, Domaine de l’Ile, Eres, Orlebar Brown, Rauzan Segla and St. Supéry
economic uncertainty caused by the trade war between US and China, the conflicts in the Middle East and the unpredictability of the political situation in Europe. These factors have impacted to Thailand
tourist and uncertainty in political situation . • Mobile business pressured by weak consumption: We are expecting mobile revenue to be under pressure from weak private consumption and hence continued low
uncertainty of US economic policy. But, the global economy trend as continued to improve. Thai economy is growing as slowly which the tourism and exports were driving force in past time. Including, the income
uncertainty regarding future revenue recognition 11. Opinion of the Audit Committee and/or the Directors which are different from the opinion of the Board according to item 10 Audit Committee and/or the all