the years, SET and our allies have consolidated our efforts on multiple fronts, including continuous communication and warning alerts to the public. The introduction of the SEC's Investment Scam Hotline
products development responsive to lifestyles, the SEC has widened investment channels to promote convenient and continuous investment. At this stage, Thailand Post, Counter Service at 7-11 and other leading
project financing requests that could have adverse impacts on the environment and society. Business units are responsible for continuous and active management of all relevant risk exposure to be in line
"!*ก# U7 T UU$K !,QK!ก7Q!Uก"!*ก#/ !,QK!8,"7ก 8 !8*!ก HP?H-7KH
risk free rate SD is standard deviation 3.1.2 Minimum Variance 3.rd or min 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 12... 2 ...p Minw w w w = + + + + is weight of asset is volatility is correlation
โยบำยกำรลงทุน) ดงัน้ี: 1. อตัรำผลตอบแทนยอ้นหลงั (รำยปีปฎิทิน) อยำ่งนอ้ย 10 ปี (หรือตั้งแต่จดัตั้งกองทุนกรณีจดัตั้งกองทุน นอ้ยกวำ่ 10 ปี) รวมถึง benchmark และมูลค่ำควำมเส่ียง (standard deviation และค่ำ
/Benchmark Return 2.91 ความผันผวน (Standard deviation) ของผลการดำเนินงาน/Fund Standard Deviation 16.15 ความผันผวน (Standard deviation) ของตัวชี้วัด/Benchmark Standard Deviation 8.98 *S ผลการดำเนินงานต้ังแต่วัน
/literature/continuous-disclosure-and-important-information/blk2020tcfdreport.pdf 2020
causing exports to reduce from the previous year. The sale of goods to foreign countries has been affected by the continuous appreciation of the Thai baht. Domestic consumption remained stable. Although the
significantly, but the price of imported raw materials were on a continuous upward trend, thus the cost of raw material increased consequently. Total labor cost including requirement of outsourced labors