that timely and reliable disclosure, including disclosure made on an ongoing basis as laid out by IOSCO standards, is both necessary and desirable. Full adoption of internationally recognised accounting
inventory of ME in order to absorb the surplus of CPO. As a result, ME domestic demand grew higher than usual. As CPO price dropped in 1Q2018, ME prices was reported at 28.51 Baht/kg, decreased by 11.03 Baht
appraised value. After entering into the disposition of assets, the Company will still have the same business nature as usual having main source of revenue from advertising and distribution of Bangkok Post
year on year to THB 83mn (THB 51mn in the previous year). Hence, our effective tax rate at consolidated level this quarter stood at 27% - higher than usual corporate tax rate of 20%. Bolstered by the
management as usual. The amount of compensation from the termination of the lease agreement was THB 120 million, Based on market value of the leasehold rights appraisal which was higher than project carrying
annually adjusted as usual. However, there was bad 3 debt reserved in 1st quarter last year where no such reserve needed during this year. So the period of nine months showed the decrease in selling expenses
which operate in February 10, 2018 (last year has expense from registering the company only), In addition, the Group have adjusted employee and management remuneration as usual every year. As a result
domestic palm oil surplus, as a result, demand of domestic methyl ester grew higher than usual. Due to the lower crude palm oil price, methyl ester price in 1Q2019 was at 23.98 Baht/kg, dropped by 4.53 Baht
, electricity and water supply for 15 years Additional 25% deduction of the cost of installation or construction of facilities apart from the usual depreciation expenses 4.2) Asset Obligations -None
facilities apart from the usual depreciation expenses 4.2) Asset Obligations -None- (information as of 27 June 2018) 5. Value of the consideration Paid The transaction of investing in manufacturing plant and