as auditor in the capital market shall have the following characteristics: (1) having an audit quality control system which is sufficient and reliable for supervising its auditors’ work performance to
, roles, authority and responsibility of directors, executives and other personnel of the intermediary clearly. (3) having appropriate, reliable and efficient operating system to support an intermediary ’s
appropriate, reliable and efficient operating system to support an intermediary’s business continuously in order that [i] the intermediary would be able to provide services for the best interests of a client
appropriate, reliable and efficient operating system to support an intermediary’s business continuously in order that [i] the intermediary would be able to provide services for the best interests of a client
of interest and other encumbrance. Where there is a disclosure of the investment portfolio, it should be disclosed to all investor equally; (3) Using of adequate and reliable information, documents or
reliable information, documents or referenced evidence in making investment decision; (4) Potential investment risks are managed when making investment decision. The investment shall be done reasonably and
expand their business as criteria for consideration of their debt servicing ability, provided that clear and reliable documentary evidence is submitted. Act Exempting Tax Penalties, Surcharges and
services via PromptPay for e-Money transactions are secure, accurate, trustworthy and in compliance with standards. For instance, registration must be prudent, with prerequisites in place including Know-Your
”) considers to be reliable; however, GPSC makes no representation as to, and accepts no responsibility or liability for, the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Any projections
For Q2/2017, Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC) (“the company”) had a net profit of Baht 815 million, increased by Baht 65 million or 9% from Q1/2017. The increase is due to not only the decrease in selling and administrative expenses but also the better performance of GPSC’s power plants especially IRPC Clean Power Phase 1 whose main customer returned to operate as normal from the maintenance shutdown in the last quarter. Consequently, the gross profit in Q2/2017 increased by Ba...