appropriately responsible for the accommodations and travelling expenses truly incurred from such visit, and the SEC Office may set a clear criterion for this matter. Clause 4 The information or documentation
criterion for ESG risk assessment which is applied to investment analysis, decision-making steps and portfolio arrangement for all types of assets. Customer data security and privacy: KBank set a policy
Transaction, i.e. a transaction whose size is not less than 50 percent but is lower than 100 percent, calculating based on the total value of consideration criterion, which gives the highest transaction value
58.92%, which is deemed as Class 1 Transaction, i.e. a transaction whose size is not less than 50 percent but is lower than 100 percent, calculating based on the total value of consideration criterion
100 percent, calculating based on the total value of consideration criterion, which gives the highest transaction value, pursuant to the Acquisition and Disposition of Assets Notifications. Therefore
timing for tapering - or ending – of their accommodative monetary policy frameworks. Certain central Asian banks were seen raising their policy rates at the end of 2017 to ease inflationary pressure. In
decrease in income from insurance business. Our coverage ratio rose over-year, while gross NPL ratio decreased slightly from the end of 2017, despite the deteriorating quality of loans granted to certain
. The calculations and reports will be standardized and be in line with the international benchmark and thus will be easily compared with those of mutual funds offered by foreign companies. Also, it would
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