Circumstances relating to the nature or timing of the auditor’s work (paragraph number........) ( 2.2.3 Limitations imposed by management (paragraph number........) ( 2.3 If the auditor’s report on the prior
persons are appointed to prevent other limitations that may impose on the company's business management. IFEC's 2nd extraordinary shareholders? meeting will be held on 14 February 2017 at 10.00 a.m. at the
processing;(5) Have a data protection and governance;(6) Disclose the scope and limitations of services to the investors. SEC publishes the public hearing document on this issue at SEC website
and limitations of service system to the investors. SEC publishes the public hearing information about this issue at SEC website: Any related and interested parties are welcome
Under the amendments, SEC has proposed to lift the limitations on unitholding which bar any person or any associated person from holding investment units in a mutual fund over one third of the
limitations. As a result of this proposed amendment, the Regulatory Sandbox would cover both pre-trading and post-trading activities in the capital market. The consultation paper is available at https
approval for the establishment of mutual fund Cross-border Offering of Funds Offering of Investment Units Management of Mutual Fund Private Funds or Provident Funds Limitations on Unitholding over One-Third
Units Management of Mutual Fund Private Funds or Provident Funds Limitations on Unitholding over One-Third of Outstanding Units SHARE : For More Information ContactUs Investment Management Policy
Units Management of Mutual Fund Private Funds or Provident Funds Execution of Agreements for Management of Private funds or Provident Funds Management of private funds or provident funds Limitations on
maximize the use of FinTech in developing financial and investment services with less legal limitations and more efficient information access. SEC Deputy Secretary-General Tipsuda Thavaramara said: ?Making